Homeowners Renters Insurance

Most people need homeowner’s insurance because their home is their single most expensive asset, which, if lost, could create a financial hardship. Also, virtually all mortgage lenders require that the mortgagor buy insurance to cover their security for the loan. Homeowner insurance policies generally cover the dwelling, other structures on the property, the contents of the dwelling and other structures; and also pay for living expenses if the primary residence is uninhabitable. Most also provide personal liability insurance. Homeowner’s insurance is available for 1to 4family dwellings. No more than 2 families or 2 boarders can occupy any single residence. Although homeowner’s insurance is for private residences only, certain businesses can be included, such as daycare or home offices established for a business or profession; however, it will not cover professional liability, which should be purchased as a separate policy. There are also different policies for a condominium or cooperative owners and renters.

Find the Right Homeowners Renters Insurance Coverage with Linx Insurance

Finding the best homeowners renters insurance in New York can be confusing and time-consuming! Being underinsured can lead to a serious financial hit, especially if you are required to completely rebuild. At the same time, buying too much coverage isn’t worthwhile, either! At Linx Brokerage Inc, we understand your concerns and are here to help you make an informed decision. Whether you rent or own a property, we can provide you with the best insurance options to keep the house and its components protected against possible damage.

Why Choose Linx

Linx Brokerage Inc has marked a niche for itself as a leading agency in the community. Instead of providing “one-size-fits-all” solutions, we personalized service to every client taking into account their unique requirements. Our highly experienced team of insurance agents discusses your available homeowner and renter insurance options and — based on the price of the policy, payments, and deductibles — help you find the right coverage at the lowest rate no matter what your budget and needs are.